In 2024 Tor was invited to take part in the autumn design festival, Focus/24 The Longer View, at Design Centre Chelsea Harbour. For the first time, The Longer View saw Focus, the Design Centre's yearly flagship show, extended by three weeks in order to showcase an additional 30 pop up brands of which Westcot House was one.
Tor brought a unique bedroom set to the show, including a half tester bed with scalloped pelmet, curtains, bed valance and headboard. As well as a celebrating her brand, Tor also used this as an opportunity to showcase the work of her talented makers' craft by displaying beautifully upholstered chairs, ottomans, handmade cushions, custom made rugs and lampshades. Artwork, stationery, flowers and cushions by some of Tor’s favourite brands were also on display.
Photos: Tom St. Aubyn and Simon Williams
Design Festival, Design Centre Chelsea Harbour